What is the Tech Care Industry?

The tech care industry is made-up of three main areas of interest; Tech Repair, Tech Reuse/Refurbishing, and Tech Recycle. They all have one thing in common, they take care of tech in one way or another. Everything that happens after tech is sold is a part of tech care. From devices that need support or repair to when the device is no longer wanted by the original owner. The tech care industry fills a vital role in the community helping people get the most from their tech and helping tech stay out of landfills.


Tech repair can be found almost everywhere you look.

  • Tech repair shops are retail locations that often repair personal tech like; smart phones, tablets, laptops, drones and more
  • Mobile/On-Demand tech repair are tech repair shops on wheels. They will come to your location to repair your tech.
  • Depot repair locations require you to ship your tech to them to be repaired. They often handle advanced repair


Tech reuse companies come in many different sizes. From small operations to larger ITAD (IT Asset Disposition). Many of these companies buy from various sources or have established contracts they have made with organizations that need to change out their tech on a regular basis. They sell equipment on the internet, out of a local store or in bulk to retailers.

While other companies in this space harvest parts from devices for their own use or for resale.


Tech recycle companies are trusted partners in the process of safe and secure tech recycling. These companies are certified to de-manufacture, recycle and refurbish every type of tech that is made in an environmentally responsible manner.

In some cases companies will partner with other organization for fundraising efforts that combine responsible collection of unwanted tech with the opportunity to identify devices that can be sold into the tech reuse market.