The Tech Care Association is committed to helping consumers enrich their lives through tech care services. We are dedicated to educating consumers on the available options for all of their tech care needs and dispelling bad information about the industry.

The TCA is raising the level of professionalism in the tech care industry every day!

The TCA Where to Repair Directory will help you find a local tech repair shop. The directory is full of members companies that have committed to the TCA code of ethics when dealing with customers. Here are a few of the issues a professional tech repair business can solve for you: cracked phone screen, device not charging, battery replacement, sound issues, broken buttons, screen unresponsive, slow performance, liquid/water damage, connectivity issues, audio output, phone lock and any other issue. ADVANCED REPAIRS include: data retrieval, micro soldering, forensics and more.

Click the link below to find a local repair shop to help

So the screen on your device is cracked. Don’t worry! This is the most common repair done in the tech repair industry. It’s also the easiest repair for more repair shops. Here’s some information to help you get your device fixed — normally the same day — from a local repair shop.

Click the link below to read more about getting your cracked screen repaired today

Liquid damage is another familiar issue with electronic devices. First and foremost DO NOT PUT YOUR DEVICE IN RICE! This is a myth that has circulated on the web for many years. Your best bet is to get it into a professional tech repair shop ASAP.

Click the link below to learn more about liquid damage and how you can save your tech