The Tech Care Association (TCA) is a 501(c) 6 nonprofit trade association formed in 2020 in the Washington DC metropolitan area. The TCA is designed to advance the tech repair, reuse, and recycle industry.

Our association is open to any company that takes care of technology specifically serving the tech repair, tech reuse and tech recycling industry. Membership is available on an annual basis by purchasing one of our member packages.

By joining our association, you will unlock a host of benefits and resources, including networking, research, new opportunities, learning, technology and advocacy on your behalf to help your business thrive. You will also help to shape the future of our industry as we develop standards and certifications for every aspect of tech care.

The Tech Care Association seeks to unify those in the tech care industry to create the first fulltime professional trade association to take on big tech companies that have controlled the industries destiny for too long.


When developing the name for our new association a lot went into the thought process. The industry has so many different facets it was hard to identify a way to incorporate it all. Large portions of tech repair shops started as the cell phone and computer repair businesses but fix so much more than phones now. Companies that refurbish or recycle electronics can go by different names too. Then there are companies that protect devices (insurance, protective covers, etc.) as well that are an important part of the industry. And what about when new technology launches or evolves into something new?

When push came to shove the idea that all these aspects of the industry take CARE of the technology we all love, from when we first open the box to when it is time to ‘re’ it (repair/reuse/recycle), it was simple, and the Tech Care Association was born.

TCA Leadership

A self-proclaimed “creative disruptor” Rob is thought of as one of the founding fathers of the modern tech repair industry after developing a successful tech repair business in 2006 that he grew into ten locations in the Washington DC metropolitan region while helping dozens of small business owners open shops all across the country.

After selling the business in 2016 Rob has spent a lot more time with his family and has worked with numerous tech repair, recycling, and refurbishing companies (consulting, advising, investing, and networking). Most recently Rob worked as a director for the Repair Association trying to unite the industry while promoting the right to repair movement.

Rob cut his teeth in the wireless industry working 17 years for the wireless carriers before launching his own disruptive business selling advanced smartphone solutions — six years before the first iPhone – an innovative business concept that was featured in the CTA publication, “Winning at Wireless”.

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